- Last night I was giving Layla a bath and we started playing "I spy". After a few rounds, she spyed something brown. I guessed a few times (of course trying not to guess the right thing right away), but I could seem to get it right. I finally admitted defeat! And her reply, "Mother, VISUALIZE!!!!" I looked at her and she said "A band-aid." I then asked her what "visualize" meant and she replied "when you picture something in your head, Mother." (And I thought she wasn't going to know what it meant!) My little girl's growing up...
- Isaac is still trying to walk... however now I think he is reverting to crawling again! See the picture below so you can "visualize"!! (And I will say that he can match because he picked out a matching pair in my unorganized closet! Even Layla was impressed at that!) This has become a habit, so you cannot leave your shoes unattended. He thinks he must have shoes to crawl around everywhere, so in my concern of germs, I've given him a brand new pair of Layla's flip flops for his hands! (Picture coming soon! And if you are wondering, yes, he puts on the flip flops just like you would on your feet!)
- David is in full swing coaching softball and teaching.... so we are all quite busy. Games start next week, so I will post some new pics then. Isaac loves to watch the games, so I'm excited that I will be able to go (only if it isn't too hot for him). And of course, he WILL be a left-handed catcher per his Daddy, so any game watching is good for his future! Layla prefers to play with the other kids than watch the game, but it keeps her busy. (I guess I should be thankful that Isaac isn't walking yet, or I would be chasing him everywhere!)
Well, I guess that is all the "news" in the Tucker household so far this week! Hope everyone is having a good week and staying cool. It is HOT in South Georgia!
1 comment:
Glad to see you are coaching youth softball . This can a really nice rewarding experience. I talked about on my blog a few days ago.
It looks like you have a great family. Keep up the coaching job!
Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, ChPC
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